Wroxton’s History Click the title to bring up the document
We have a number of documents and artefacts relating to village history which you are welcome to see. There is also a small amount of money available for the purchase of items for the village archive. If you have any suggestions as to what it might be used for, or if you wish to access our records please contact Maureen Woollacott at maureen.woollacott@gmail.com.
The History of Wroxton A modern history of Wroxton since 1209 A short history of Wroxton History of Wroxton by E.R Lester written in 1971 Wroxton History maps Maps showing the development of Wroxton The great fire of Wroxton The fire of 1666 Church Features A potted history of Wroxton Wroxton history against National history All Saints Church The vicars since 1200 and information on bells and clock Described in Son et Lumiere presentation by David March Lord North/Izat Bell ringing quarrel 1887 Rev. Daniel Compton Vicar of Wroxton 1864/1874 Information from Kate Koppana Wroxton School 1867 From the School logbook Sundial Farmhouse Chapel History of the Chapel Reminiscences Old Wroxton and its Villagers The Wroxton Guide Post One of the treasures of Wroxton Churchyard Index Burial stones in Wroxton Churchyard Wroxton Ironstone Works History of the industry Wroxton Houses Information on some old Wroxton Houses Wroxton’s Policeman 1946 to 1957
Editor: Ben Mitchell Email: editorwroxton@gmail.com
© Ben Mitchell unless credited