Police and Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch Co-0rdinator position vacant - contact The Banbury Rural Neighbourhood Team
Police Banbury Rural Neighbourhood Team Banbury Police Station Warwick Road Banbury OX16 2AE Internal: 7224543 0845 8 505 505
Ensure you garden sheds and outbuildings are securely locked. Ensure your doors and windows are securely locked and the alarm set whenever you leave the house. Ensure any security lights are working correctly. Leave some interior lights on preferably on a timer and a radio playing. If you are away invite a neighbour to regularly check your property and maybe allow them to park a car on your driveway whilst you are away. Do not open your door to unknown people especially at night. Make arrangements with a close neighbour should you have a caller at night to telephone them and ask them to check out the caller. Always use a safety chain until you have established who the call is. Do not invite strangers into your house. Do not leave strangers at an open front door, close the door on them whilst you fetch whatever it is they want. Be aware of distraction burglaries. Do not disclose bank or building society details to anybody at the door or over the phone even if they claim they are the Police or your bank or building society. The Police, Banks and Building Societies will never ask for you account details over the phone so do not disclose any of theses details even if the caller claims to be from any of theses organisations Do not engage workmen unless they have been recommended or you know their reputation. Always get a contact phone number and address and if necessary seek advice from family or friends. Do not pay them in advance. Get your car checked before winter, always have a warm coat and a rug in the car and be sure to have your mobile phone with you. Do not respond to cards through the door which invite you to call a 0900 number regarding a parcel which could not be delivered if you do you will incur a hefty phone charge. Call trading Standards on: 0845 511 0845 Over Christmas be careful about disposing of packaging for expensive presents such as computers, TVs and music centres as packaging is a give away that these gifts are on the property. There is a very useful Neighbourhood Watch Members Guide containing much more detailed and extremely useful information on personal and property security I have delivered a copy to all those registered with me as Neighbourhood Watch members. Finally, not all of the village is covered by the current Neighbourhood Watch scheme if you wish to be involved, want a copy of the Neighbourhood watch Members Guide contact them..
Police Web Site https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk E Mail BanburyRuralNHPT@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk Twitter http://www.twitter.com/tvp.banbury You Tube http://youtube.com/thamesvalleypolicevp E-Messaging https://www.thamesvalleyalert.co.uk/ Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thamesvp RSS https://thamesvalley.police.uk/news/local/cherwell- andwest-oxfordshire??format=rss
Editor: Ben Mitchell Email: editorwroxton@gmail.com
© Ben Mitchell unless credited